The Dead — Where Are They? 25 The Second Death

The Second Death In the Garden of Eden, death was pronounced as the penalty for the transgression there committed, and the whole of the Adamic race was involved in it. This was the unfortunate result of the first great Judgment of our race. — Rom. 5:12,16. “ Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into […]

The Coining of the Lord Draweth Nigh

We are coming closer to the end of our series on the coming of a Christ or Messiah. Yesterday having mentioned that throughout the ages there have been loads of people who said they were the Messiah or Christ. Even in our present times we can find such figures who claim that they are the […]

Christ’s Appearing: Public or Private?

The exact day of Jesus return is not given. Several people wonder when he would return and how we shall know it is him who has come back. We should know that the Bible gives us some indication by which we should be able to see certain signs. We also know that Jesus will come in the same way as the apostles saw him go.

The Prophets Inquire into and Testify About Salvation

From the books of prophets we should come to see who the promised Messiah is and from the Messianic Scriptures we can learn further how we can be sure of setting the promised salvation into a joyful peaceful life for ever.

Bijbelvorser Review of Five Years on WordPress

54 likes and 11 comments; 16 likes / 8 comments; 10 likes /3 comments; 14 likes / 9 comments; brought us with 38 likes and 85 comments in 2016 to “Five years of blogging on WordPress” after Multiply had stopped its services for many bloggers. Having being part of the Biblescholars Association Bijbelvorsers Vereniging the […]