Get the Most Out of Your Research Trip: Advice for First-Time Archive Researchers

Biblical scholarship, Biblical criticism with Humanities are branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself and are concerned to avoid dogma and bias by applying a non-sectarian, reason-based judgment, trying to reconstruct history according to contemporary understanding. Studying aspects of human society and culture, based on historical findings and available documents, using the grammar, structure, development, and relationship of language to identify such characteristics as the Bible’s literary structure, its genre, its context, meaning, authorship, and origins.

History and Archaeology sciences looked at #2 Co-operative of excavators, archaeologists, anthropologists, historians and culture morphologists

Toward the end of the 19th century thinkers where attracted by the idea to delineate the specific character or historical knowledge and understanding, rather than of seeking to construct vast speculative schemes in the earlier manner of historians. Several scholars became also convinced that several fields should integrate into one discipline which wants to go […]