What Happened to Cain in the Bible?

Did Lamech kill Cain? What happened to Cain in the Bible? In the Book of Genesis, we are told about Cain’s birth, his violent act of fratricide and his subsequent exile. We learn that he married and had descendants, but the Bible is strangely mute about his death. How did Cain die? If he did […]

The first two brothers of the first family in history

Read Elie Wiesel’s essay on Cain and Abel in the Bible as it originally appeared in Bible Review, February 1998. First republished in BHD June 1, 2015. Cain and Abel: The first two brothers of the first family in history. The only brothers in the world. The saddest, the most tragic. Why do they hold […]

Op 14 en 15 Nisan geen dienstvoorziening door broeder Marcus

Op maandag 22 april zal onze broeder, Marcus Ampe ter operatie in het ziekenhuis Gasthuisberg te Leuven verblijven. Hierdoor zal hij in de ecclesiae van Brussel-Leuven, Anderlecht, Mons-Lille de avonddienst voor 14 Nisan niet kunnen voorgaan. Wij hopen dat onze leden in hun kleine kringen het vergaderen niet zullen nalaten en Jezus laatste avondmaal in […]

Vain Traditons

“In vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commands of men.” (Matthew 15:9) SPECIALS  SPECIALS  SPECIALS  SPECIALS Every 10 You Order You Will Get 5 Extra Free Copies. Greetings Supporters, If you are not aware of the existence of this book, it would do you service, to all those who sense something not […]


Supposing a flowing stream; can it flow upwards? Can it rise higher than its source? Supposing a sky full of stars, moving in orderly array; did it just happen so, or come by chance? Supposing beauty and variety in created tilings; are these the product of blind law? Supposing an intelligent being, such as yourself; […]

Bible Students and House Churches

Since the early times of the Jewish group “The Way“, there have been followers of Jesus Christ who consider it necessary to meet regularly to study Scripture together but also to jointly praise God. Since the first centuries AD, gatherings of believers have been held in private houses, in addition to official places, such as […]

Bijbelonderzoekers en huiskerken

Sinds de vroege tijden van de joodse groepering “De Weg” zijn er volgelingen van Jezus Christus die het nodig achten om regelmatig samen te komen om tezamen de Schrift te bestuderen, maar ook om gezamenlijk God te prijzen. Al van de eerste eeuwen na Christus werden er aldus bijeenkomsten van gelovigen gehouden in particuliere huizen, […]

A look at Galilee and the attempts to distance Jesus from John the Baptist

  Was John an early competitor for Jesus’ centrality to the Church? And did Jesus himself believe that he owed something fundamental to John? These are questions that arise from a close study of the gospel narrative in Matthew, Mark and Luke. It’s a fascinating hypothesis focusing on what appears to be, at least to […]

Pinchas Shir’s Unheard Voices of Hebrew Kings and Prophets

How much do you know about the beliefs and spiritual ideas embraced by Jews of the Second Temple Era? Biblical literature lays a solid foundation, but it is not a secret that students of antiquity also survey many texts outside the Bible to understand the broader cultural context.               […]

Did the Antonine Plague lead to the spread of Christianity

The Antonine Plague overturned the status quo in the second century, C.E. Did this lead to the spread of Christianity? The year was 166 C.E., and the Roman Empire was at the zenith of its power. The triumphant Roman legions, under the command of Emperor Lucius Verrus, returned to Rome victorious after having defeated their […]

February Bible & Archaeology Fest 2024

The February Bible and Archaeology Fest on February 24 & 25 offers live talks from leading Bible scholars and archaeologists via the Zoom app. Registered, paid participants from around the world can enjoy two days of live, online learning with experts in the fields of archaeology and the Bible. Familiar names from Biblical Archaeology Review, […]

Paganism Under Constantine

Roman Temple from the reign of the first Christian emperor There might have been a remarkable religious continuity between the Roman world and the early Christian world, but aware of the strength of the religious group ‘The Way’ Constantine the Great was very smart to lure so-called followers of Christ to agree with his proposals. […]

The deep dive

’10-foot-tall people’ discovered by archaeologists in Nevada cave Mythology, folklore and even the Bible tell us that Cs once roamed the Earth. And, it turns out, there’s evidence to back this claim.   Extraordinary human remains have been found in the US state of Nevada, with some of the skeletons measuring up to 10 feet tall. […]

Roman emperor was trans, says UK museum

Elagabalus, who now seems to be a transgender, had a short reign which was notorious for sex scandals and religious controversy.

Sumerian ‘sacred code’ reveals building instructions echoed in the Bible

The ancient Sumer city of Girsu was explored and then lay abandoned for more than a century, until 2015, when a British Museum-led team began sifting through the debris and the “cigarette packs of the French guys” who had previously excavated it. The discovery of the lost palace and temple hold enormous potential for our understanding of this important civilisation, shedding light on the past and informing the future

If one wants to be baptised

If we have come to know God and realise that we must then take steps to please Him and have not yet been baptised, it is time to take that step and seek out a true community of faith to have us baptised with them….

Si l’on veut être baptisé

Si nous avons appris à connaître Dieu et que nous réalisons que nous devons ensuite prendre des mesures pour lui plaire et que nous n’avons pas encore été baptisés, il est temps de faire ce pas et de chercher une véritable communauté de foi pour nous faire baptiser avec eux..

Als men zich wil laten dopen

Als wij God hebben leren kennen en beseffen dat wij dan stappen moeten ondernemen om Hem te plezieren en nog niet gedoopt zijn, wordt het tijd die stap te gaan ondernemen en een ware geloofsgemeenschap uit te zoeken om ons bij hen te laten dopen..

Difficulties in viewing Jehovah as a loving Father

Even though we may be surrounded by a lot of bad things, we should know that it is best to look for them to come closer to God.