A Word from the beginning to become the sealing Word for ever

Not every covenant that God made with His People is to be viewed as having no limit in time, but that which was bought at a heavy price is sealed with blood forever. The prime necessity of human race, salvation from sin and death, has been provided in the divine purpose and solved by the sent one from God, who was willing to put his own will aside to do the Will of his heavenly Father, and gave himself as a ransom for all people.

The Prophets Inquire into and Testify About Salvation

From the books of prophets we should come to see who the promised Messiah is and from the Messianic Scriptures we can learn further how we can be sure of setting the promised salvation into a joyful peaceful life for ever.

Warring Tendencies and Spiritual Airs

A new year has entered our age again. On the first of New year lots of people made promises to those around them. Many are exceptionally excited when going into a new year. Some are even going mad about it. Every New Year people you try to find suitable presents for others and they get […]

Agape or disinterested love

“Agape is disinterested love. It is a love in which the individual seeks not his own good, but the good of his neighbor (1 Cor. 10:24). Agape does not begin by discriminating between worthy and unworthy people, or any qualities people possess. With agape there is no place for making differences of colour or race. […]

The Atonement in Type and Antitype 2 Going forth to Jesus

In Heb. 13: 13-16, the Apostle speaks of us going forth to Jesus without the camp, to bear his reproach. Does this mean that we are to consider ourselves and our sacrifices (Rom. 12: 1) as sin offerings, as it were the goat following the bullock? It cannot mean this, for the goat sacrifice has […]

God son king and his subjects

For those who believe that Jesus is God and that he is the king, there needs to be established why now in heaven, Jesus is not sitting on the throne of God, but at the right hand of the one we consider to be the Almighty God. For those who think Jesus is God who […]

A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it

Sayings that Jesus has to be God Very often we encounter Christian writings where is said Jesus has to be God because no man is ever capable to be without sin or to keep to God’s commandments. This month is not different to others. Once again we found a person saying on his website If […]

Atonement And Fellowship 5/8

We do have the assurance that following and honouring Jesus shall have the Father honouring us.  We do want to listen to the Voice of God which did not come for Jesus’s sake but for ours. It is high time to come together and to meet in peace, loving each other as brothers and sisters. […]