Vain Traditons

“In vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commands of men.” (Matthew 15:9) SPECIALS  SPECIALS  SPECIALS  SPECIALS Every 10 You Order You Will Get 5 Extra Free Copies. Greetings Supporters, If you are not aware of the existence of this book, it would do you service, to all those who sense something not […]

Bible Students and House Churches

Since the early times of the Jewish group “The Way“, there have been followers of Jesus Christ who consider it necessary to meet regularly to study Scripture together but also to jointly praise God. Since the first centuries AD, gatherings of believers have been held in private houses, in addition to official places, such as […]

Paganism Under Constantine

Roman Temple from the reign of the first Christian emperor There might have been a remarkable religious continuity between the Roman world and the early Christian world, but aware of the strength of the religious group ‘The Way’ Constantine the Great was very smart to lure so-called followers of Christ to agree with his proposals. […]

Our brothers in Kyiv’s northwest suburb Irpin

Kyiv’s northwest suburb Irpin Over the past decade, the population of Kyiv’s northwest suburb Irpin swelled to 90,000, and with it some churches, like the Irpin Bible Church (IBC) grew with it. The city is known in evangelical circles as the “Wheaton of Ukraine” or Bible Belt because there are so many people over there […]

Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Ancient History Documentary

**   Please look further after the advert for MagellanTV, to find Part 1: 1947. – Pt 6 goes about the Life of Jesus, the Son of God.

Concerning some writers of our series on prophecy #1 Dr. John Thomas

Before starting our series on prophecies we have a look at the authors of some of the older writings whose writings we present to offer some insight in the prophesies the Bible presents.

A new decade, To open the eyes to get a right view

Review of the second decade of the 21st century and opening the 2020ies.

A Voice to give in May 2019

In the 15th century, the invention of the Gutenberg press meant that every literate Christian could read the Bible for themselves. This sowed the seeds for the Protestant reformation in which the self-interpreted Bible supplanted the church magisterium as the basic authority for Christian teaching. In the 21st century, the Internet and specifically the blogosphere and […]

Wagner the NAR and new wineskins

The organisation which wants to be the 5th House in Christianity is convinced the world does not need the old systems or denominations any more. C.P. Wagner, author of more than 70 books, taught at Fuller Theological Seminary for 30 years, holding graduate degrees in theology, missiology and religion from Fuller, Princeton Theological Seminary and […]

Place for a fifth and sixth house in Christendom

It looks like we have come in a time several people are not pleased to feel as if they are shunned by one or more religious groups where they normally would belong to. In the midst of previous century it started by some non-trinitarian groups who wanted others to know the Holy Name of God. […]

From Jewish Christians to Gentiles and origin of Christianity

For almost two hundred years after the impalement of Christ, Roman cities are entirely devoid of any trace of early Christians; to date, no one has ever found any object that’s been plausibly connected to them. Some archaeologist and historians think that  many of Jesus’ followers — men and women who lived in the first, […]

Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians

Many find because a deity can not scientifically proven there is therefore no deity existing. However, they do not ask themselves what scientific rules should be applied and of which or where the authenticity or accuracy of this knowledge can come from. Many things that were once seen as scientifically valid are disrupted by the […]

Three new sites to discover the real Jesus

In Christendom we do find many people who made Jesus in to their god. Some of those Christians also do want to get people to worship their god and do present him as a tri-union god. Several people frown by reading all that stuff about Jesus and God being one and the same person and […]

Digging in words, theories and artefacts

The Bijbelvorser or Bibleresearcher A “Bijbelvorser” is a person who does “vorsen”  or does research, study the Bible, explores, delves into the Bible. A “Bijbelvorser”, a Bibleresearcher or Biblestudent is a person who tries to do diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into the subject of Biblical matters in order to discover or revise facts, […]

Archaeology and the Bible researcher 2/4

Renaissance From early as the 15th century researchers stood up to dig into the soil to mean study the material remains of man’s past. The Renaissance Humanists looked back upon the glories of Greece and Rome. Popes, cardinals, and noblemen in Italy in the 16th century began to collect antiquities and to sponsor excavations to […]

Finding and Understanding Words and Meanings

Having found a way to read the Bible, using some dictionaries and a concordance, an alphabetical list of the principal words used in the Book of  books, the Bible, with their immediate contexts, you can find people around you to talk about the read material, but you can also find articles on the net about […]