stories matter, story, parable, illustration

4 mistakes when reading the parables of Jesus

Remembering Jesus’s two purposes for teaching in parables will help us to overcome four common mistakes.

stories matter, story, parable, illustration

Jesus Revealing the Secrets of God’s Kingdom

Jesus once gave a series of seven Kingdom illustrations in close connection with one another. We should remember that the most important reason for his telling such short stories is to persuade people to enter the kingdom of which he speaks.

Hebrew Language #1: Teaching “Sticky” Hebrew

by Dr. Paul Overland | Ashland Theological Seminary There is a huge problem in the way that biblical Hebrew is currently taught: it doesn’t stick. Polytetrafluoroethylene, or PTFE, is better known by its household name “Teflon.” It’s the coating on cookware that prevents food from sticking to the pan, and it’s the perfect term to […]

The Dead — Where Are They? 4 The Bible’s Answer

The Bible’s Answer Coming to the divine Word, seeking its answer to the great question, we are at once impressed with its candour and simplicity. The Scriptural answer to the problem is direct and straightforward, without appeal to passion or prejudice. Having proved the Bible worthy of all confidence, and having found in it the […]

Toes of the Image

Answers Concerning Prophecies and things future #7 Toes of the Image “His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay ” (Dan. ii. 33). Daniel says nothing about the toes, and therefore it seems to us to be pushing the symbolism beyond “what is written” to insist upon finding five toe-kingdoms […]

Evening Morning Period

Answers Concerning Prophecies and things future #5 Evening Morning Period Beyond all question, the correct reading of Dan. viii.14, is, “And he said unto me, Unto two thousand, three-hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed”. There is not a tittle of evidence in favour of either two thousand two hundred, or two thousand four […]

Why you should read the Apocrypha

Saint Athanasius of Alexandria. Source: Wikipedia Did you know that Athanasius, Cogent of the Trinity, recommended reading the Apocrypha? In his 39th Festal Letter, after giving us one of the earliest canon lists, he writes the following: “…there are other books besides these not indeed included in the Canon but appointed by the Fathers to […]

Wes Bredenhof on Abraham Kuyper

Going further to look at Abraham Kuyper we must take in consideration the many Bijbelvorsers or Bible researchers who protested in the 12th and 16th century and at the statement of the Reformed faith in 37 articles written by Guido de Brès Confessio Belgica (Belgic Confession) which was being deleted by the General Synod 1905 of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland).

In this article we also review how Wes Bredenhof looks at Kuyper and his evolution of faith.

Isolated students and internet learning

Our big problem, certainly for the sort of believers we are, is that most of us live in isolation spread far away from each other all over the world. The online environment potentially intensifies the isolation a student might experience in any language-learning process or in an absence of face to face guidance how to […]

A Worldwide Vision for Theological Education

With internet facilities growing we have to look at the goods but also at the not so good matters of worldwide Bible education.

The Prophets Inquire into and Testify About Salvation

From the books of prophets we should come to see who the promised Messiah is and from the Messianic Scriptures we can learn further how we can be sure of setting the promised salvation into a joyful peaceful life for ever.

International Day of the Bible

Join in the #BibleCelebration! Today is International Day of the Bible, the day set aside for Christians all over world to take a few moments to read or listen to passages from the Bible together with friends. Wherever you are today at noon (your local time), we hope you’ll participate. Bible celebration  🎉 When you […]

A Voice to give in May 2019

In the 15th century, the invention of the Gutenberg press meant that every literate Christian could read the Bible for themselves. This sowed the seeds for the Protestant reformation in which the self-interpreted Bible supplanted the church magisterium as the basic authority for Christian teaching. In the 21st century, the Internet and specifically the blogosphere and […]

The Word itself should be enough reason to believe

When we have a weakness for our Creator we do not mind to devote a lot of our time to the research and contemplation of truth. It is our urge to find the truth that makes us working hard to come to know what is all behind the history that made up to so many […]

The Field is the World #4 Many who leave the church

At the end of the 20th century lots of Roman Catholics in our regions had enough of their church which had seemed to have told many lies and had protected lots of clergy who had abused minors. The sex-abuses of the previous century made lots of people very cross with church, and strangely enough instead […]

Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians

Many find because a deity can not scientifically proven there is therefore no deity existing. However, they do not ask themselves what scientific rules should be applied and of which or where the authenticity or accuracy of this knowledge can come from. Many things that were once seen as scientifically valid are disrupted by the […]

To remove the whitewash of the Jehovah Witnesses as being the only true Bible Students and Bible Researchers

To be recognised witnessing people When we go out on the streets often people take us to be Jehovah Witnesses. This probably because they find us openly talking about the Name of God and Witnessing not only about Jehovah but also about His Word, using like the JW’s the Bible, which we consider the infallible […]

God’s Blog recorded in a Book

God’s Blog in print Voice of God in the Book of books available to everyone. Voice of God to eternity Word of Jehovah God “did any other people ever hear the voice of god speaking out of a fire, as you have heard, and stay alive?” (Deuteronomy 4:33 CJB) “from heaven he caused you to […]

Creator and Blogger God 11 Old and New Blog 1 Aimed at one man

The Old and New Blog Very old and newer old texts of value and pointing to one man The Nazarene Jeshua, better known as Jesus Christ, told many stories or parables and spend a lot of time explaining the older texts which were known to many. Today not many know those older texts, they even […]

Creator and Blogger God 10 A Blog of a Book 4 Listening to the Blogger

Listening to the Blogger The difference between the thinking of man and the ways of God is huge. Man may talk a lot and today we do find a lot of blogs on the internet. When there was not such a mean to communicate, God used another way, but not less sufficient. He provided the […]