Atonement And Fellowship 2/8

There are so many people who mock the followers of Christ. They are like those who stare and stare at the obvious, but can’t see the forest for the trees.

We should go looking for a clear example of someone on Christ’s side, not to quickly cutting some one out. How many times does it happen because somebody expresses other ideas that he is considered not one of them. It happened to Paul and other believers through the ages, and it stills happens today. Often people do not notice that the other is also standing with Christ because they see only the outside factors.

 “Do you look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trusts to himself that he is the Messiah’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is the Messiah’s, even so are we the Messiah’s.” (2 Corinthians 10:7 KJBPNV)

Instead of calling the other not a Christian, people should better investigate better what it really means to be a Christian. They should recognise it when somebody wants to follow Jesus Christ and is eager to get to know the teachings of that Master. Those studying the words of Christ should reach out more to each other and welcome one another to God’s glory. Jesus did it; now we have to do it!

“Therefore receive you one another, as the Messiah also received us to the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7 KJBPNV)

The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

The Gospel According to Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Those following Christ should not stay isolated in their little cocoon. They should dare to come out their houses and proclaim the message of Christ. Bringing over the Good News they should show how they want to live together under Christ. Regarding life together and getting along with each other, we don’t need anybody of those followers of Christ to force what to do. Those who want to follow Christ also want to give themselves to the Father of Jesus, who is also our Father.  As Jesus received the words and the power to do wonders we, by Christ, now also can receive the blessings of God and get inspired by the Most High. As such we should be God-taught in the matters of faith and comportment. From God’s Word we learn how to behave to others and how to love the world. Jesus was full of love and so should we, being gentle with one another, sensitive. Even when people do something which we do not like we should forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave us.

 “But as touching brotherly love you need not that I write to you: for you yourselves are taught of God to love one another.” (1 Thessalonians 4:9 KJBPNV)

“And be you kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for the Messiah’s sake has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32 KJBPNV)

Like Paul had “fellowship in the Gospel” with the Philippians,  we also should have fellowship with each other because we all are partakers with him of grace. All those in the Lord Jesus by valid baptism, and who remain in him by faithful continuance in his way, are partakers of his gracious pardon, salvation, and patient fellowship; and they will, naturally and inevitably, reflect this to their brethren as part of their gratitude to him.

“5 For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; 6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Yahshua the Messiah: 7  Even as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of my grace.” (Philippians 1:5-7 KJBPNV)


Good Tidings 09

Good Tidings (Photo credit: Waiting For The Word)

Preceding: Atonement And Fellowship 1/8

Continued on: Atonement And Fellowship 3/8


Additional reading:

  1. The Law of Christ: Law of Love
  2. Preferring to be a Christian
  3. Called Christian
  4. Casual Christians
  5. Not liking your Christians
  6. The Church, Body of Christ and remnant Israel synonymous
  7. Following the leader
  8. To be chained by love for another one
  9. Life and attitude of a Christian
  10. Walking alone?
  11. Who are you going to reach out to today
  12. How us to behave
  13. Fellowship
  14. Integrity of the fellowship
  15. Character transformed by the influence of our fellowships
  16. A small company of Jesus’ footstep follower
  17. Our relationship with God, Jesus and each other


  • The Healing Messiah (
    Jesus recognized that His mission was both to preach deliverance and to heal the brokenhearted (Luke 4:17-19). He attracted many through the power that came from His love and character. Others followed Him because they admired His easily understood preaching. Still others became disciples because of how He treated the impoverished. Many, however, followed Christ because He had touched and healed their brokenness.
  • The Mutable Evidence For Immutability – Hebrews 13:8 (
    Jesus Christ was not immutable.  He was a baby became a man and died.  These are very real changes.
  • Jesus is Greater (
    With all your strength, everyday, fall to your face humbly before our Good King and grab ahold of the Cross for dear life. With all your strength through the Holy Spirit hold on and don’t look away. Stay focused on Jesus and the truths of Scripture.
  • Does Unlimited Atonement EQUAL Universalism? Part 2 (
    Driscoll teaches both positions: that in one sense Jesus died for everybody and we’re all benefited by that. But in a saving way for the forgiveness of sins, Jesus only died in that sense for the elect that the Father has given him.Near the end of his sermon, Driscoll states “All of that to say I believe Spurgeon is absolutely right, that the person and work of Jesus has benefited us all. We all have great benefits from Jesus.”
    The death Christ was a death in the place of all men—a death which accomplished a work that completely satisfied God the Father. It was a death which provided life for every member of Adam’s lost race who has ever lived or ever shall live—a death that made it possible for the Father to be just and at the same time the Justifier of any sinner who does nothing more that receive Christ as personal Savior.
  • John 17.20-26 (
    Jesus is emphatic about the nature of this unity when he refers three times to their ‘one-ness’:

    • Rd 21a: that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you,
    • Rd 22b: that they may be one even as we are one,
      The closer we get to God, the closer we get to each other.
  • Dealing with our Jurassic Park notions about God (
    Was Jesus just the sacrificial goat tied to a stake so a tyrannosaurus-like God would be appeased? In other words, is our view of the atonement more like the goat scene from Jurassic Park rather than one of redemption and love?
  • How Jesus became Christ-like (
    To grow at something means you didn’t start out perfect at it.  Over the years my writing has grown.  I write differently now than I did in school.  My writing has matured.  My writing has improved.  My oldest daughter is 21 years old.  During that time, I have grown as a father.  My fathering has matured.  My fathering has improved.“Jesus grew…” can only mean that Jesus matured.  Jesus improved.  Jesus started off less wise, with less favor, a smaller stature and He grew.  It can only mean that Jesus was not automatically Christ-like.
  • Why do So Many Forsake Jesus Christ? (
    So the whole Jewish race really missed out, by not believing in the one person, they should have believed in which was Jesus Christ. An why didn’t they believe in Jesus Christ? Because some jealous fat Rabbi’s where jealous of Christ! While being frightened that he would dismantle Judaism, while going on to create his own church within Judaism.
    Still Christians of today aren’t Scott free! They have Salvation in the name of Christ, but they do the very things that Christ himself warned against. They chose an earthly king to represent Christ’s church, a church that needs no earthly kings authority. I’m talking about the priests, preachers, Popes…and other’s, whom have put themselves on Christ’s throne while making money! Even changing the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. So these representatives are “anti-Christs” for they are invading the temple of Christ — the temple meaning the minds of baptized men.
  • Saved 1. (
    the disciples equate being “saved” with entering the “kingdom of God”.
    Jesus says that this (entering the kingdom of God) is impossible with men, but possible with God. His response concerns a different kingdom, one the disciples do not yet understand. Jesus does Not confine His remark to the case of the rich young man. As difficult as it is for, in this case, a rich man to enter the kingdom, God can make it happen. Does this hint that He Will make it happen? Absolutely.
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25 thoughts on “Atonement And Fellowship 2/8

  1. Pingback: Atonement And Fellowship 3/8 | Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

  2. Pingback: Atonement And Fellowship 4/8 | Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

  3. Pingback: Atonement And Fellowship 5/8 | Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

  4. Pingback: Atonement And Fellowship 6/8 | Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

  5. Pingback: Atonement And Fellowship 7/8 | Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

  6. Pingback: Atonement And Fellowship 8/8 | Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

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