Approachers of ideas around gods, philosophers and theologians

Many find because a deity can not scientifically proven there is therefore no deity existing. However, they do not ask themselves what scientific rules should be applied and of which or where the authenticity or accuracy of this knowledge can come from. Many things that were once seen as scientifically valid are disrupted by the […]

Digging in words, theories and artefacts

The Bijbelvorser or Bibleresearcher A “Bijbelvorser” is a person who does “vorsen”  or does research, study the Bible, explores, delves into the Bible. A “Bijbelvorser”, a Bibleresearcher or Biblestudent is a person who tries to do diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into the subject of Biblical matters in order to discover or revise facts, […]

Bible in the first place #1/3

Bible, Word of God, God-breathed Scriptures, valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living;  feeder of wisdom. As Bible researcher you perhaps could say I am predisposed and all my findings would be biased because I do believe that God has spoken in history, and that by inspiration […]