Paganism Under Constantine

Roman Temple from the reign of the first Christian emperor There might have been a remarkable religious continuity between the Roman world and the early Christian world, but aware of the strength of the religious group ‘The Way’ Constantine the Great was very smart to lure so-called followers of Christ to agree with his proposals. […]

Verwaarloosde geboortedag en sterfplaats 2 Rotsgraf, Beenderdoos en Grafkerk

De Romeinse keizer Constantijn I had in 325 voorzien dat de kerkvaders zich naar de wensen van het Romeinse Rijk plooiden, waarbij zij dan konden rekenen op een opheffing van de vervolging. hij verzorgde ook dat de geboorteplaats en de begraafplaats van de joodse leermeester een ereplaatsje kon krijgen in de verzameling van bijzondere plaatsen […]

Written and translated by different men over thousands of years

Today there are still people in english speaking countries who claim the King James Bible to be the only true Bible. They do seem to forget that God did not require everybody to be able to speak and read English fluently. They also seem to forget that the original language God had chosen was Hebrew […]

Objects around the birth and death of Jesus

At the end of the year people do like the many traditions. Often they do not think about the value of their actions and such feasts. From September onwards in the shops they try to bring people into temptation buying things for the many celebrations, like Halloween, Saint-Nicholas, Christmas and New Year. In certain supermarkets […]