Damage to Archaeological Sites and pursuit of profit

When Al Quada (Al Qaida) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS-ISIL) tried to create their own huge state, they wanted to get rid of everything what had to do with pagan worship. They did not want any trace of ancient culture to tarnish their habitat. Therefore they did not mind destroying anything […]

Bijbelvorser Review of Five Years on WordPress

54 likes and 11 comments; 16 likes / 8 comments; 10 likes /3 comments; 14 likes / 9 comments; brought us with 38 likes and 85 comments in 2016 to “Five years of blogging on WordPress” after Multiply had stopped its services for many bloggers. Having being part of the Biblescholars Association Bijbelvorsers Vereniging the […]

Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo

In these times of peril some want to limit the freedom of speech. Even in the states where they are so proud of their so called liberties and freedom of speech. It are those people or groups who would like everybody else to have the same beliefs as they who should make us more aware […]