Defiled Defined: What “Defiled” Means in the Old Testament

You probably don’t use the word defiled in everyday conversation. But if the synonyms dirty or unclean come to mind, you’re on your way to understanding the key Old Testament theme of defilement. It’s just that in Scripture, defilement isn’t limited to physical uncleanness. Often it’s ceremonial and symbolic, and the symbolism points to the […]

A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it

Sayings that Jesus has to be God Very often we encounter Christian writings where is said Jesus has to be God because no man is ever capable to be without sin or to keep to God’s commandments. This month is not different to others. Once again we found a person saying on his website If […]

Objects around the birth and death of Jesus

At the end of the year people do like the many traditions. Often they do not think about the value of their actions and such feasts. From September onwards in the shops they try to bring people into temptation buying things for the many celebrations, like Halloween, Saint-Nicholas, Christmas and New Year. In certain supermarkets […]