Who were the Magi?

Intro In the 1950ies and 60ies January the 6th was a “holy day”, being called “Drie Koningen” or “Three Kings’ Day” or “Epiphany” (from Greek epiphaneia, “manifestation”), or “Theophany”. In the Catholic Church it was and still is a day that they remember or commemorate the first manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, represented […]

Decrease in church attendance not only a recent feature #5 Necessity of attendance

By lots of people is faith about trust and can be seen that they do not have any trust in institutions like churches. Everywhere can be found empty churches or churches made into libraries or shops and even discotheques.
In the West it often looks like we have come in a Post-Christian world.

Objects around the birth and death of Jesus

At the end of the year people do like the many traditions. Often they do not think about the value of their actions and such feasts. From September onwards in the shops they try to bring people into temptation buying things for the many celebrations, like Halloween, Saint-Nicholas, Christmas and New Year. In certain supermarkets […]