stories matter, story, parable, illustration

Jesus Revealing the Secrets of God’s Kingdom

Jesus once gave a series of seven Kingdom illustrations in close connection with one another. We should remember that the most important reason for his telling such short stories is to persuade people to enter the kingdom of which he speaks.

The Dead — Where Are They? 15 Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration

In the question of what happens when we die and where all the dead are, one can also turn to the Biblical figures who died in the past. We can then find out what happened to them and what else is written about them. Regarding the state of the dead, our magazine in the 20th […]

Preparing for the Kingdom

396 views the article “Preparing for the Kingdom” received from its day of publication on 2010 July 5 until 2014 December 30, on Bijbelvorsers, Vereniging voor Bijbelstudie. Whatever view we hold concerning the way the Second Coming of our Lord will occur, the great need is to be ready for Jesus his appearing. There can […]

How can we prepare for the Kingdom of God

The article “Preparing for the Kingdom” may have received from its day of publication on 2010 July 5 until 2014 December 30 396 views on Bijbelvorsers, Vereniging voor Bijbelstudie, and maybe may fetch more views on the republication on the WordPress site, but that will not mean more people will be able to prepare themselves […]

A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it

Sayings that Jesus has to be God Very often we encounter Christian writings where is said Jesus has to be God because no man is ever capable to be without sin or to keep to God’s commandments. This month is not different to others. Once again we found a person saying on his website If […]