The Dead — Where Are They? 25 The Second Death

The Second Death In the Garden of Eden, death was pronounced as the penalty for the transgression there committed, and the whole of the Adamic race was involved in it. This was the unfortunate result of the first great Judgment of our race. — Rom. 5:12,16. “ Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into […]

The Law Covenant 1 Messenger and Mediator Moses

In the previous article you could read that some arrangements had to be made, so that the promise to Abraham might become effective . It is at that point where enters the Law Covenant, proposing to prepare the ”Seed” for the great work. That this was one of the purposes of the Law Covenant is […]

A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it

Sayings that Jesus has to be God Very often we encounter Christian writings where is said Jesus has to be God because no man is ever capable to be without sin or to keep to God’s commandments. This month is not different to others. Once again we found a person saying on his website If […]