Absolute Basics to Reading the Bible

In case you are new to the bible it may be interesting to watch this video (which is not mine or from my congregation.) As a Christian it is very important that you know how to pick up a Bible and read it for yourself and how you can teach others to come to read […]

Woorden in de Bijbel Vinden en Begrijpen

Er staat heel wat geschreven in de Bijbel, het Boek der boeken dat er in geslaagd is de Bestseller aller tijden te worden. Concordantie of Alfabetisch, Thematisch en Numeriek Register Soms kunnen wij aan iets denken maar weten het niet te plaatsen in het Boek-gebeuren of niet in de Bijbel terug te vinden. Hiervoor kunnen […]

Finding and Understanding Words and Meanings

Having found a way to read the Bible, using some dictionaries and a concordance, an alphabetical list of the principal words used in the Book of  books, the Bible, with their immediate contexts, you can find people around you to talk about the read material, but you can also find articles on the net about […]