
Supposing a flowing stream; can it flow upwards? Can it rise higher than its source? Supposing a sky full of stars, moving in orderly array; did it just happen so, or come by chance? Supposing beauty and variety in created tilings; are these the product of blind law? Supposing an intelligent being, such as yourself; […]

A look at Galilee and the attempts to distance Jesus from John the Baptist

  Was John an early competitor for Jesus’ centrality to the Church? And did Jesus himself believe that he owed something fundamental to John? These are questions that arise from a close study of the gospel narrative in Matthew, Mark and Luke. It’s a fascinating hypothesis focusing on what appears to be, at least to […]

Paganism Under Constantine

Roman Temple from the reign of the first Christian emperor There might have been a remarkable religious continuity between the Roman world and the early Christian world, but aware of the strength of the religious group ‘The Way’ Constantine the Great was very smart to lure so-called followers of Christ to agree with his proposals. […]

Difficulties in viewing Jehovah as a loving Father

Even though we may be surrounded by a lot of bad things, we should know that it is best to look for them to come closer to God.

Difficultés à considérer Jéhovah comme un Père aimant

Même si nous sommes entourés de beaucoup de mauvaises choses, nous devons savoir qu’il est préférable de les rechercher pour se rapprocher de Dieu.

Mary Magdalene

Discrediting Jesus had a child

Twenty years ago there was a lot to do about discussions brought forward by the speculation that Jesus would have fallen in love with Mary Magdalene and would have had children by her. In the previous posting you could read that after his third novel, Deception Point (2001), Dan Brown returned to Langdon with The […]

20 years ago: the Da Vinci Code

Twenty years ago a novel saw light in a world where already more people were coming up against the Catholic Church, but this time also telling a lot of historical lies.

The face or the appearance of Jesus

In several places around the world, one can find portraits, paintings and sculptures depicting Jesus as a white man. But that is not at all consistent with the real appearance of the man who was born in Bethlehem and lived in Nazareth. By the way, there is scientific evidence to back that up.

Jesus surrendering his life

Imagine what the last day of Jesus’ earthly life was like. Roman soldiers beat him mercilessly.

14 Nisan, Lam van God, Jezus samenkomst, Last Supper, Pesach, Passover, Pascha, Laatste avondmaal

Jesus at the Passover meal speaking about two covenants

Jesus did not alter the Judaic custom or interrupt it by introducing anything new into the observance. On Wednesday evening we’ll think of the night that Jesus came together with his disciples to remember the Passover.

what, why, outcome??

Originally posted on Living Life in a Fish Bowl!:
How’s your prayer life? What is prayer?     Communicating with God – the One who rules the universe and all the galaxies beyond, who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere Asking Him to intervene on a particular situation or person Asking for His peace, joy, love, hope…

stories matter, story, parable, illustration

4 mistakes when reading the parables of Jesus

Remembering Jesus’s two purposes for teaching in parables will help us to overcome four common mistakes.

stories matter, story, parable, illustration

Jesus Revealing the Secrets of God’s Kingdom

Jesus once gave a series of seven Kingdom illustrations in close connection with one another. We should remember that the most important reason for his telling such short stories is to persuade people to enter the kingdom of which he speaks.

Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Ancient History Documentary

**   Please look further after the advert for MagellanTV, to find Part 1: 1947. – Pt 6 goes about the Life of Jesus, the Son of God.

Roman-era ‘Good Shepherd’ ring found off Israel in ancient shipwreck

Archaeology can shore up our faith. Items are being discovered all the time that always back up the veracity of the scriptures. The Israel Antiquities Authority found a Roman-era gold ring set with a green gemstone carved with the figure of a shepherd boy carrying a sheep on his shoulders. In the Bible, Jesus describes […]

Helping others in times of trouble

It’s important to ensure we reach out to others in the ecclesia, no matter what age they may be.

One of the most important Truths

Biblical or human truth People have to choose for which Truth they will want to go. Are they willing to clinch to Biblical Truth, gospel Truth or to what churches are presenting as a doctrinal truth? When looking at the present world, we can find lots of people who prefer to believe in not much […]