Ending Multiply relationship

A few weeks ago I did receive a notice from Multiply Multiply HQ in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Image representing Multiply as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

It can well be that most of us are probably aware that Multiply’s mission has evolved over the past year and a half to become one the biggest and most beloved ecommerce marketplace in two very exciting markets, Indonesia and the Philippines.

As Multiply’s focus has shifted, they have reviewed all of their operations, and made some decisions that will affect everyone on the Multiply Community.

  • From December 1st, they will unfortunately no longer be able to support Multiply in its current form – notably they will be removing the social networking and content sharing part of Multiply (photos, videos, blogs, social messaging, etc.).
    You can imagine this creates for many a big problem, because they wrote and placed many photographs on that platform.
    They have decided to discontinue providing and hosting their services, as they have concluded that other Internet sites who are committed to social networking services will do a better job serving us than they can.
    Their choice made me to look out for an other medium and because I got the impression that Word Press is the best service for bloggers with not many means and/or with more difficult subjects. For that reason I started this weekend September the 22nd 2012 with my first posting on my own pages at WordPress.
  • For Multiply existing users of social networking features, Multiply promises to be willing to prove easy ways for us to either download our stuff (photos, blogs, content, etc), or to migrate it to other online services. They’ll announce the precise details shortly they said already some time ago, but I still did not get any more information how to get my texts automatically to an other webservice.
    I would like not to loose all my previous writings, though it might be not so many, as usual bloggers present. But I have the attitude just to write everything straight into the system, not saving anything in Wordfiles or the like on my old computer, with very limited space.
    I sincerely do hope they shall not let all the multiply bloggers in the cold. You can imagine how eagerly I wait to get my previous writings to transfer directly to WordPres or at least to be able than to download, migrate my content to somewhere, so that it does not get deleted.

Can you imagine how disruptive this news was, and how I did not yet nearly panicked.

Naturally, as usual I do understand that ultimately this was a business decision, critical to their to success moving forward.

For Multiply it is naturally fine that they can  pursue their own mission to give the 350 million consumers in Indonesia and the Philippines a great way to buy and sell items online. Their singular focus now is for Multiply to retain its status as a vibrant e-commerce destination in Southeast Asia in the years ahead.

Though I did not like so much the bad news of having the Blog service coming to an end, I do hope they soon wil come with a solution for the transfer and wish them all the best with their new venture.

I have been a happy user of the Multiply community over the past eight years (after the ending of MSN Groups).

Image representing WordPress as depicted in Cr...

Image via CrunchBase

Looking forward to meeting other people on Word Press and being able to share many thoughts, I wish everybody welcome who finds the way to this new place.



  • Stefans -CEO of Multiply Indonesia- Letter (utewae.wordpress.com)
  • Requiem for Multiply (charleazar.wordpress.com)
    In the last three decades of the twentieth century, generations were distinguished by their music. A particular song dominates a period and it becomes the song of a generation. But in the first decade of the twenty-first century, generations are distinguished by technology.
  • The End of Multiply as We Know It (marciokenobi.wordpress.com)
    Multiply was a social networking service with an emphasis on allowing users to share media – such as photos, videos and blog entries – with their “real-world” network. The website was launched in March 2004 and is privately held with backing by VantagePoint Venture Partners, Point Judith Capital, Transcosmos, and private investors. Multiply has over 11 million registered users. The company was headquarterd in Boca Raton, Florida but moved to Jakarta, Indonesia early in 2012 and recently announced intentions to switch to e-commerce, dropping the social networking aspect entirely. Quantcast estimates Multiply has 3.5 million monthly U.S. unique visitors.
  • The last ride for Multiply (ianlopez1115.wordpress.com)
    I last touched my multiply account in 2009, the year when I “migrated” to Facebook and Twitter. Since then, thousands of events happened between now and the time when I received an email regarding their discontinuation of social networking and blogging services.
  • Goodbye, Multiply (cessology.wordpress.com)
    Do you still remember your first blog? I do.

    It was hosted by Multiply. Yes, my blogging adventure started in Multiply. Maintaining a blog there gave me the push to write and discover my passion for writing. I remember the hours I spent in personalizing the layout – choosing the template, color scheme, etc. That’s where I made my first stand about responsible online posting.

  • Multiply closing Shutting Down! There Goes All The Other Buffalohair Story Archives! Yikes! (buffalohairarchivesblog.wordpress.com)
  • Virtual Indonesia International Motor Show 2012 Released by Multiply (virtual-strategy.com)
    Social commerce platform Multiply.com, the company who pioneered the first and largest online shopping festival in Indonesia (SHOPFEST), has released the online version of the Indonesia International Motor Show 2012, the largest automotive exhibition in Indonesia organized by Gaikindo (the Association of Indonesia Automotive Industries). As an exhibition that continues to innovate, IIMS saw the opportunity to expand its presence, not only physically, but also virtually to grab a bigger and wider audience. The virtual version of the Indonesia International Motor Show 2012 is available via multiply.com/marketplace/IIMS.

  • Goodbye Multiply (samlanuza.com)
    Multiply was one of the sites where I blog and share photos. Even before Facebook become a hit. I stopped for a while but I keep on coming back to get old photos and Shop Online.
  • Multiply Virtualizes the Indonesia International Motor Show (techinasia.com)
    Indonesian e-commerce site Multiply has created a virtual version of the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) on its site. Visitors can take a look and ask to be sent emails with further information about cars on display at the show.
  • byebye Multiply! (forgottensea.wordpress.com)
    I have letting-go-moving-on issues, so the moment I read the notice that Multiply.com will remove their social networking and content-sharing part, I literally cried sad tears. My multiply site is like a childhood home, like an online treasure box; though they will provide an easy way to export files to other services, it saddens me that (starting December 1st) I can no longer visit an old home.