Man his beginnings or emerging, continuation, evolution and anthropology

We are here on this earth, no matter what you think how we came to be or how we developed or evolved, many theories have found day light. Lots of Christians and Muslims do have a wrong concept about the first man and woman, expecting to have looked very much like modern human beings. They […]

Archaeology and the Bible researcher 3/4

Excavation The demand for Egyptian antiquities led to organized tomb robbing by men such as Giovanni Battista Belzoni. A new era in systematic and controlled archaeological research began with the Frenchman Auguste Mariette, who also founded the Egyptian Museum at Cairo. The British archaeologist Flinders Petrie, who began work in Egypt in 1880, made great […]

Archaeology and the Bible researcher 2/4

Renaissance From early as the 15th century researchers stood up to dig into the soil to mean study the material remains of man’s past. The Renaissance Humanists looked back upon the glories of Greece and Rome. Popes, cardinals, and noblemen in Italy in the 16th century began to collect antiquities and to sponsor excavations to […]

Archaeology and the Bible researcher 1/4

Knowing what happened in previous times For the Bible researcher it is important to know what happened in the time when the Books of the Bible were written. He is interested in the logos (the word but also the “theory or science”) from the ancient times. As such Achaia (from the Greek meaning “ancient things) […]