Long Life during the Millennium

When believing Jesus would come back and then install the Kingdom of God where people shall be able to live in peace, without having an end to their life, people wonder how that is going to be for the sort of life, in what sort of houses, how being clothed, being married or not, still […]

Sex in the Kingdom of God

In the Plan of God is the population of the whole earth. There are many people who wonder how man shall live in that Kingdom of God and if they would still enjoy sex.

Sheep and Goats at the Judgment

The son of man shall come in his glory and before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.  At that time nobody shall be able to escape or to change his or her mind, for receiving another outcome […]

Inauguration of the New Covenant

It has been pointed out that there are many parallels between the Law and the New Covenants. These extend to some particulars connected with the inaugurations of both. The first item of the Law was the Passover. The first item of the New Covenant is the antitype of this — “Christ, our Passover is sacrificed […]

A birthday passed nearly unnoticed

Two days ago it was in certain way a special day we would have loved to celebrate. But it passed before we knew it. Days were floating letting sun and moon exchange the night and days. Normally on the religious part we would not celebrate other feasts than those God gave us to celebrate. The […]

Preparing for the Kingdom

396 views the article “Preparing for the Kingdom” received from its day of publication on 2010 July 5 until 2014 December 30, on Bijbelvorsers, Vereniging voor Bijbelstudie. Whatever view we hold concerning the way the Second Coming of our Lord will occur, the great need is to be ready for Jesus his appearing. There can […]

How can we prepare for the Kingdom of God

The article “Preparing for the Kingdom” may have received from its day of publication on 2010 July 5 until 2014 December 30 396 views on Bijbelvorsers, Vereniging voor Bijbelstudie, and maybe may fetch more views on the republication on the WordPress site, but that will not mean more people will be able to prepare themselves […]

God son king and his subjects

For those who believe that Jesus is God and that he is the king, there needs to be established why now in heaven, Jesus is not sitting on the throne of God, but at the right hand of the one we consider to be the Almighty God. For those who think Jesus is God who […]

Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo

In these times of peril some want to limit the freedom of speech. Even in the states where they are so proud of their so called liberties and freedom of speech. It are those people or groups who would like everybody else to have the same beliefs as they who should make us more aware […]

Atonement And Fellowship 8/8

The “Kingdom of God” is not only a future political entity to be established on earth; the term refers also to whatever God has Kingship over now. You can not have a Kingdom without having a king and his people. God’s people are His Kingdom, here and now.  It is by listening obediently to what […]

Missional hermeneutics 4/5

Recognising Message For us who study the Bible as believers, it is also important that we recognise the message Jesus delivered from God to his kinsmen, the Jews. But Jesus did not came only for them. He came to proclaim the Word of God for the whole world. He brought a call to repentance from […]

Bible in the first place #2/3

Scriptures testifying about Jesus the Messiah, giving words to contemplate around the central theme of the Kingdom of God. A Master teacher as example Christ had appointed apostles who would be his authoritative spokesmen. He taught, guided and inspired them with the many works he did in the name of the Father. After some time […]

Bible in the first place #1/3

Bible, Word of God, God-breathed Scriptures, valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living;  feeder of wisdom. As Bible researcher you perhaps could say I am predisposed and all my findings would be biased because I do believe that God has spoken in history, and that by inspiration […]

Position of the Bible researcher

As ‘Bijbelvorser’ or Bible researcher the person looking to get to know more about the Biblical truth is willing to compare the truths that the Word of God reveals with the scientific findings and the sayings of men. The researcher does hope that the Biblical research can become a voyage of discovery. For, like an […]