Defiled Defined: What “Defiled” Means in the Old Testament

You probably don’t use the word defiled in everyday conversation. But if the synonyms dirty or unclean come to mind, you’re on your way to understanding the key Old Testament theme of defilement. It’s just that in Scripture, defilement isn’t limited to physical uncleanness. Often it’s ceremonial and symbolic, and the symbolism points to the […]

stories matter, story, parable, illustration

Jesus Revealing the Secrets of God’s Kingdom

Jesus once gave a series of seven Kingdom illustrations in close connection with one another. We should remember that the most important reason for his telling such short stories is to persuade people to enter the kingdom of which he speaks.

The Prophets Inquire into and Testify About Salvation

From the books of prophets we should come to see who the promised Messiah is and from the Messianic Scriptures we can learn further how we can be sure of setting the promised salvation into a joyful peaceful life for ever.

Looking at notes of Samuel Ward and previous Bible translation efforts in English

Al over the world bible scholars are looking for treasures in the archives concerning religious events. An American scholar came all the way down to Great Britain to find what many hot see at the archive at the University of Cambridge. In an unassuming notebook, which dates from 1604 to 1608, Jeffrey Alan Miller, an assistant professor […]

A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it

Sayings that Jesus has to be God Very often we encounter Christian writings where is said Jesus has to be God because no man is ever capable to be without sin or to keep to God’s commandments. This month is not different to others. Once again we found a person saying on his website If […]

Creator and Blogger God 11 Old and New Blog 1 Aimed at one man

The Old and New Blog Very old and newer old texts of value and pointing to one man The Nazarene Jeshua, better known as Jesus Christ, told many stories or parables and spend a lot of time explaining the older texts which were known to many. Today not many know those older texts, they even […]

Archaeology and the Bible researcher 2/4

Renaissance From early as the 15th century researchers stood up to dig into the soil to mean study the material remains of man’s past. The Renaissance Humanists looked back upon the glories of Greece and Rome. Popes, cardinals, and noblemen in Italy in the 16th century began to collect antiquities and to sponsor excavations to […]

Archaeology and the Bible researcher 1/4

Knowing what happened in previous times For the Bible researcher it is important to know what happened in the time when the Books of the Bible were written. He is interested in the logos (the word but also the “theory or science”) from the ancient times. As such Achaia (from the Greek meaning “ancient things) […]

Absolute Basics to Reading the Bible

In case you are new to the bible it may be interesting to watch this video (which is not mine or from my congregation.) As a Christian it is very important that you know how to pick up a Bible and read it for yourself and how you can teach others to come to read […]

Bible in the first place #2/3

Scriptures testifying about Jesus the Messiah, giving words to contemplate around the central theme of the Kingdom of God. A Master teacher as example Christ had appointed apostles who would be his authoritative spokesmen. He taught, guided and inspired them with the many works he did in the name of the Father. After some time […]

Bible in the first place #1/3

Bible, Word of God, God-breathed Scriptures, valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living;  feeder of wisdom. As Bible researcher you perhaps could say I am predisposed and all my findings would be biased because I do believe that God has spoken in history, and that by inspiration […]