Precious time

Do you need time? Often without being aware of it, time passes by much faster than we imagined or felt. We can not do anything to stop the time. Before we know our children have grown up and start thinking of having children themselves. Generation after generation tries to establish certain things. As we try […]

Our brothers in Kyiv’s northwest suburb Irpin

Kyiv’s northwest suburb Irpin Over the past decade, the population of Kyiv’s northwest suburb Irpin swelled to 90,000, and with it some churches, like the Irpin Bible Church (IBC) grew with it. The city is known in evangelical circles as the “Wheaton of Ukraine” or Bible Belt because there are so many people over there […]

De doden – Waar zijn ze? 26 Eeuwige Straf

In de vele voorgaande hoofdstukken hebben wij zo goed mogelijk een volledig antwoord trachten te geven op meerdere vragen van lezers over het sterven, de dood, de toestand van de doden, het al of niet naar de hemel, hel of vagevuur gaan na de dood, alsook over de Bijbelse leer betreft dood gaan en de […]

De doden – Waar zijn ze? 25 De Tweede Dood

In de hof van Eden werd de dood uitgesproken als straf voor de daar begane overtreding, en het gehele Adamische ras werd daarin betrokken. Dit was het ongelukkige resultaat van het eerste grote oordeel over ons ras. – Rom. 5:12,16. ” Daarom, gelijk door één mens de zonde in de wereld gekomen is, en door […]

The Dead — Where Are They? 25 The Second Death

The Second Death In the Garden of Eden, death was pronounced as the penalty for the transgression there committed, and the whole of the Adamic race was involved in it. This was the unfortunate result of the first great Judgment of our race. — Rom. 5:12,16. “ Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into […]

Armageddon – City of Megiddo

In our last article concerning many questions posted to us, we come to take a look at Megiddo and the “plain of Megiddo” which with its strategic location has been the site of many ancient battles and is described to be part of a later Big Battle. It has been claimed that more battles have been held in Megiddo than at any other place on the earth. Cline (2002) counts a least 34 wars at Megiddo from ~2350 BCE to CE 2000.

Decrease in church attendance not only a recent feature #3 The German Scare

In 1909 the bible students were aware that a serious war would come their way. They saw the German Empire investing a lot in the navy and saw a form of anarchy taking place in the so called civilised countries were lesser people went to church.

How can we prepare for the Kingdom of God

The article “Preparing for the Kingdom” may have received from its day of publication on 2010 July 5 until 2014 December 30 396 views on Bijbelvorsers, Vereniging voor Bijbelstudie, and maybe may fetch more views on the republication on the WordPress site, but that will not mean more people will be able to prepare themselves […]

God son king and his subjects

For those who believe that Jesus is God and that he is the king, there needs to be established why now in heaven, Jesus is not sitting on the throne of God, but at the right hand of the one we consider to be the Almighty God. For those who think Jesus is God who […]

De god zoon, koning en zijn onderdanen

Voor hen die denken dat Jezus God is en dat hij ook de koning is, moet er na gegaan worden waarom Jezus dan nu niet op zijn troon zit in de hemel, maar aan de rechterhand van iemand anders. Wie is dan die belangrijker persoon die op de troon van de Allerhoogste zit? Opmerkelijk is […]

Is de Beleidvolle Slaaf van de Getuigen van Jehovah Gods enige instrument

De Multiply Bijbelvorsers site verdween al een hele tijd geleden, maar nu wij ook tegen het verdwijnen van  Bijbelvorsers Webs, de website van de Vereniging voor Bijbelstudie tegen aankijken, wensen wij toch nog enkel daar verschenen artikelen hier te herplaatsen. Wij schreven in Januari 2011, 21, om 8:49 am: Bijbelvorsers Member Posts: 16 Indien de […]